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2015-07-13 July
Cemetery & Parks Meeting
July 13, 2015

The meeting was opened at 7:25PM present were, Ray Boyes, Tubby Boucher, John Barett, Roger Rapoza and Pam Haman.  

GUEST: Ginny King, Al Birrelle, Carolyn Smart and Nancy Rapoza.

Minutes from the June 8, 2015 meeting were approved.

Bills were reviewed and signed.

Trash concerns were again revisited. Carolyn Smart from the BOS has voiced concerns about trash on the common and other town grounds.  She has gotten complaints from the general public regarding this issue and lack of trash barrels.  Other communities have trash barrels for their common and grounds.  Roger stated that barrels and recycle bins were being misused.  Department would spend time cleaning trash out of recycle barrels, they were finally removed from the common.  Kids also leave trash in gazebo area even with trash barrels. Animals also get into the barrels and are destructive.  Carolyn stated that she spent at least 3 hours cleaning trash from the common before an event.  John Barrett made a motion to have trash barrels in center of common from now till end of summer as an experiment to see if there is an improvement or not. John Barrett and Tubby Boucher were in favor Ray Boyes opposed, motion carried.
Bikes on the common can also be a problem as well as trash at the playground.

Roger, Dane and Ray made a road trip looking at potential trucks for the department.  They looked at a 2002 GMC in New Hampshire however work was needed and they felt not worth the price. At this time there are not other departments getting rid of vehicles.  Department is down to 2 vehicles. Roger would like to have the ford expedition declared surplus equipment.  John made a motion to declare the White Ford Expedition as surplus equipment. All were in favor the motion carried.  Pam will do letter for BOS office.

Wage matrix:  Recreation wants to pay less for their seasonal employees.  They do not want to give the matrix increase for employees that return from one year to the next.  They has been general concern on how this might impact other departments.  John made a motion to Objecting to changing the wage matrix for seasonal employees.  All were in favor motion carried.

1800 Tomb needs repair.  Granite/stone needs to be realigned and leveled.  Also need to look inside with camera to see condition.  John made a motion to authorize 10hrs of research for types of repairs needed and best way to proceed in a safe manner.  All were in favor.

Next meeting scheduled for 8/17/14 at 7PM

Meeting adjoined 9:00 PM.


Pam Haman